#212: We Need to Build the Future Now: Spaceflight is not Optional

I recently re-watched an old Stargate SG-1 episode showing enemy spaceships en route to attacking Earth. Our human heroes – who are on one of those spaceships too because they were able to use the Stargate they had found on Earth – find unexpected help from an ally, who is convinced that Earth will send… Continue reading #212: We Need to Build the Future Now: Spaceflight is not Optional

#44: There is Too Much “Now” Today

We live in a society governed by the demands of today, of the now, of the immediate. This is, of course, not a new observation. For decades now, cultural theorists have described the decline of traditional values, of belonging, and an increasing frustration with the speed of technological and societal change. But it appears that… Continue reading #44: There is Too Much “Now” Today