#174: Climate Change Can Only Be Countered With Technological Innovation

The pandemic initially was seen as a chance to rethink our ways of over-consumption, just-in-time production, destruction of natural habitat, incessant and unnecessary commuting in the time of video conferencing, as well as cheap and ever-growing travel. Maybe we would be smarter in the future and realize that within all the death and suffering caused… Continue reading #174: Climate Change Can Only Be Countered With Technological Innovation

#109: We Cannot Lose Hope

How easy would it be to despair now! The world seems in shambles, whatever we have gained seems lost, and the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban appears like a symbol for our times. Covid is resurgent, the world is burning, and what future will we ever be able to enjoy? None, if we don't… Continue reading #109: We Cannot Lose Hope

#49: Nature Demands Humility

It's as if nature has decided to teach humanity a lesson. Coronavirus and Climate Change are real dangers, but maybe too abstract to most, and denial abounds, actions are taken too hesitantly, and somehow, we keep thinking that things will just work out somehow. There is nothing like the power of wildfires to teach us… Continue reading #49: Nature Demands Humility

#1: Holidays

How do we each year get caught up in a frenzy over holidays? Whose holiday, what kind of holiday, how to fill the time, whether and what to give to whom - and in the end, all we want to do, is to rest - but then, it's back to work. The idea should be… Continue reading #1: Holidays