#252: Some Reflections on Israel, Gaza, and Protests

Whatever is happening in Gaza cannot make anyone happy. The situation is grim. People are suffering, starving, dying. This cannot continue. Saying this is easy, but thinking about how to solve the problem is less easy. The reason it is complicated lies, first of all, in the excessive brutality of Hamas’ attack on October 7,… Continue reading #252: Some Reflections on Israel, Gaza, and Protests

#241: The War Against Israel

Something strange is happening. On October 7, organized rape, kidnap and murder squads from Hamas invaded Israeli territory – following their organization’s genocidal charter – and committed the worst antisemitic massacre since the Holocaust. Hamas declared war, with their allies – similarly genocidally minded Hezbollah, directed probably by Iran in happy cooperation with Russia and… Continue reading #241: The War Against Israel

#239: Is History Helpful for Solving Conflicts?

https://youtu.be/eFScWB54X4Q (This is a bit different in style – it is an unscripted video transcript, so it reflects oral more than written speech.) What is the use of history when you want to solve a big problem? There are all kinds of big conflicts on the planet. Right now, what's top of our minds probably… Continue reading #239: Is History Helpful for Solving Conflicts?

#238: Kristallnacht, 85 Years Later

Again, we hear the words. “The Jews.” Again, we see “them” being made responsible for all the evils of the world. Israel was attacked by violent deranged anti-human terrorists, and it continues to be attacked, and the attacker hides behind children and women and institutions of human decency. The attacker, Hamas, has been calling for… Continue reading #238: Kristallnacht, 85 Years Later

#237: No, Israel is Not Committing Genocide in Gaza

We are hearing the slogan that Israel would be committing Genocide in Gaza. Just because you hear it so frequently doesn’t make it right. At no point has Israel, as a state, ever wanted to eradicate Palestinians or Palestine. Since its inception, and before, it wanted to work with the Arab population. It invited Arabs… Continue reading #237: No, Israel is Not Committing Genocide in Gaza

#234: Israel is Neither Colonizer Nor Apartheid State

We are hearing terms like “Colonizer” or “Apartheid State” used to describe Israel. They are used for two reasons: Some are legitimately frustrated with the status of Palestine and Palestinians, especially those living in the West Bank and Gaza. They do not have their own state yet, and their political rights are not protected in… Continue reading #234: Israel is Neither Colonizer Nor Apartheid State

#230: Against Hamas, Against Antisemitism, Against Antizionism

I. Intro Hamas does not speak for or act for all Palestinians. We must not connect the two. Because if we do – what does this say about our perceptions of Palestinians? In the past week, we have seen shocking evidence of horrifying acts committed by Hamas against innocent people in Israel. It has killed,… Continue reading #230: Against Hamas, Against Antisemitism, Against Antizionism

#229: Fighting for Love in Times of War

https://youtu.be/AasjWiIFu_g If you see yourself as a believer in justice, as dedicated to the fight against oppression and exploitation, ask yourself: What is the biggest justice? What is the purpose of the fight against oppression and exploitation? The answer can probably only be as follows: The preservation of human life, ideally of all life, in… Continue reading #229: Fighting for Love in Times of War

#228: Hamas Attacked Israel

https://youtu.be/gLMeuYn0IQM Hamas has brutally attacked Israel. They've killed civilians indiscriminately, abducted people, all on a flimsy excuse that this had something to do with Jews on or near the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We know that that's not the reason. Israel had ended the occupation of Gaza in 2005, and as a result, Gaza has been dominated… Continue reading #228: Hamas Attacked Israel

#207: Democracy Only Works with a Strong Separation of Powers

What is Democracy? The typical answer would be the “Rule of the People.” While this is the direct translation of the Greek term, it is instructive that the original term used for Athenian democracy was Isonomy – “same rights for everyone.” The word “democracy” was used alternatively with “ochlocracy” as meaning “mob rule.” Why is… Continue reading #207: Democracy Only Works with a Strong Separation of Powers

#178: Russia Deserves Better

President Putin is working hard to weaken Russia. During the last decades, he has almost completely destroyed the last remnants of Russian democracy. Instead, he has built a system built on lies, repression and violence. Proudly, he announces that Russia is returning to old strength, that the Russian people are experts at suffering, and that… Continue reading #178: Russia Deserves Better

#176: Get Brexit Undone

With Boris Johnson finally understanding the power of reality, there may be a real chance now to reevaluate what his policies have brought. Chiefly among them, of course, is Brexit. It is clear, of course, that Brexit has had many fathers and mothers. The UK has always promoted an understanding of itself as somehow both… Continue reading #176: Get Brexit Undone

#130: German Hypocrisy: How to Claim to be a Moral Leader While Acting like an International Free-Loader. A Polemic

Living in the United States, it amuses and befuddles me how much Germany seems as a shining beacon in the world to many Americans. Now, while I do have affection for my home country, and take my civic duties seriously, a more realistic and necessarily critical attitude would be helpful. So here goes. You may… Continue reading #130: German Hypocrisy: How to Claim to be a Moral Leader While Acting like an International Free-Loader. A Polemic

#99: Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism

Zionism is the understanding that Israel is the historical home of the Jewish people. This is not a belief, this is not ideology, it is the truth. Just because there are also non-Jewish people living in the area does not change the fact. Jews are indigenous to the area, and have every right to have… Continue reading #99: Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism

#95: For Israel, For Palestine, For Peace

Please let me preface this with a personal note: This is my current perspective on the matter. I may be biased, but I am always willing to learn. I have known people from both sides, and I know that the truth always lies somewhere in the middle. The clearest bias that I am willing to… Continue reading #95: For Israel, For Palestine, For Peace

#68: We Do Not Need Enemies

We are seeing increasing tension in the world again. There were a few years, namely the 1990s, when the world seemed to be growing more closely together, overcoming differences and seeking understanding over division (with a few painful exceptions). Then, 9/11 happened, which brought new wars. The transatlantic alliance was put under strain, globalization brought… Continue reading #68: We Do Not Need Enemies