#232: The Downside of the Emotional Appeal

Sometimes, an emotional appeal may seem necessary. Human beings are emotional. There is plenty of suffering and plenty of pain in the world, and emotional reactions are to be expected. Nobody can hold in everything all the time, we are not all stoics, we cannot just be expected to endure suffering without reacting to it.… Continue reading #232: The Downside of the Emotional Appeal

#207: Democracy Only Works with a Strong Separation of Powers

What is Democracy? The typical answer would be the “Rule of the People.” While this is the direct translation of the Greek term, it is instructive that the original term used for Athenian democracy was Isonomy – “same rights for everyone.” The word “democracy” was used alternatively with “ochlocracy” as meaning “mob rule.” Why is… Continue reading #207: Democracy Only Works with a Strong Separation of Powers