About this Blog and its Author

Welcome to erratic«|»attempts.

About the Author: Dr. Philipp Kneis

Me, some time ago, with cat

I have studied American Studies and History at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the University of Potsdam. Currently, I teach for the Political Science program at Oregon State University (with a focus on political theory and international comparative politics), and for global learning programs organized by the University of Tübingen (with a focus on political and cultural theory, history and intercultural communication). I have also been organizing the Transatlantic Students Symposia, a program dedicated to fostering democratic dialog in the transatlantic area.

In my research and teaching, I am particularly interested in how theories of politics, society and culture shape the world we are living in. My perspective is decidedly transdisciplinary and transcultural and draws from theories and practices originating in the social sciences and humanities. This theoretical work translates into my organizational praxis, which is centered on global experiential learning programming aimed at promoting democracy, decolonization, anti-oppression, social justice, trans-cultural and transdisciplinary awareness and seeks to instill in students a sense of how to make the world a better place. Students in my classrooms are encouraged to be active participants, and I see my role as promoting critical thinking and discourse.

About this Blog

This blog builds on my research interests and is dedicated to promoting the public understanding of theories of the social sciences and the humanities, as laid out in #79: The Need for the Public Understanding of Humanities and Social Science Theory.

My interests in poetry, photography and music are reflected on philjohn.com, which is a continuous archive of my work, mostly uncut. For a list of academic projects, see pjkx.com.

For comments or questions, please e-mail me. I do not allow commenting on my blog posts, as I do not have the time and energy to moderate and screen discussions.