#226: We Must Not Give Up on Global Democracy

We are living at a time where democracy is challenged on a variety of levels, domestically and internationally. There exist several attempts to actively discourage people from seeking democracy, to use internal contradictions within democratic countries in order to legitimatize democracy itself, or to even undermine and destroy democracy where it exists. We cannot be… Continue reading #226: We Must Not Give Up on Global Democracy

#171: Writing as Witnessing

The world can be a depressing place. Anyone who ever thought about just staying in bed a little longer in the morning, about dulling their senses before going to bed, just to avoid hearing and thinking about what is going on in the world will probably understand. It is safe to assume that once we… Continue reading #171: Writing as Witnessing

#109: We Cannot Lose Hope

How easy would it be to despair now! The world seems in shambles, whatever we have gained seems lost, and the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban appears like a symbol for our times. Covid is resurgent, the world is burning, and what future will we ever be able to enjoy? None, if we don't… Continue reading #109: We Cannot Lose Hope

#105: We May Think We’re Done with the Virus, but the Virus is not Done with Us

It is seductive to think that we can go back to normal anytime soon. At least within the so-called “Western” World, we have safe and functioning vaccines, masks, abilities to work remotely for many of us, and to distance physically. There should be no debate as to how to proceed, and yet, it is not… Continue reading #105: We May Think We’re Done with the Virus, but the Virus is not Done with Us