#176: Get Brexit Undone

With Boris Johnson finally understanding the power of reality, there may be a real chance now to reevaluate what his policies have brought. Chiefly among them, of course, is Brexit. It is clear, of course, that Brexit has had many fathers and mothers. The UK has always promoted an understanding of itself as somehow both… Continue reading #176: Get Brexit Undone

#102: Brexit Means Brexit

Somebody should remind the current Prime Minister of the still United Kingdom of a wise sage once proclaiming loudly, as an answer to all questions about what Brexit means, that “Brexit Means Brexit.” I believe that person was a certain Boris Johnson. That person was part of a movement that kept denigrating every single expert… Continue reading #102: Brexit Means Brexit

#98: The Populist Attack on Democracy During the Pandemic

When the pandemic hit the world, it unleashed more than just a deadly virus. It has put us all in a crucible. Nature has been testing our ability to be political animals, forcing our societies and our politics to make impossible decisions. Who shall we protect? Am I my fellow citizen’s keeper? How much economic… Continue reading #98: The Populist Attack on Democracy During the Pandemic

#76: We Need No Saviors

In the darkest hour, the savior will appear. He alone will bring us out from the darkness into the light, from despair into hope, from misery into triumph. He knows what to say, what to do, we can trust him explicitly. If we follow his lead, redemption, salvation, and the future await. If only we… Continue reading #76: We Need No Saviors