#216: What to Make of Recent UFO Revelations by David Grusch

Is there extraterrestrial life? In all likelihood, yes. The universe is too big, the building blocks of life so common, and conditions for the emergence of life are likely to have occurred more than just once across all time and space. As far as we can tell, life may even have emerged in different places of our solar system – but it may just be microorganisms somewhere on Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons. Maybe even on Mars historically.

Is there intelligent extraterrestrial life like ours? In all likelihood, yes. Same argument, but probably not in our solar system.

Will that intelligent extraterrestrial life have developed spaceflight? Given time and survival through various crises, probably.

Have they already visited us?

This is where it becomes interesting. We have seen unidentified aerial phenomena – or unidentified flying objects – for a while. Some may be natural phenomena, birds, aircraft, balloons, etc. Some may be top secret experimental military aircraft – developed by the United States or other nations. Some sightings will be lies or fakes. Some sightings may well remain that cannot be explained by any of these factors.

Now, a week ago, former intelligence officer David Grusch claims that several countries in the world have retrieved crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft and even bodies.

Could that be? Certainly. However, let’s pay attention here. All Grusch has said is that he heard people talk about it – and he may be speaking the truth. Yet he has not seen any evidence. All evidence he has seen is what other people have reported.

What do we make of this?

So far, I would argue that there is nothing there but rumors. Could it be possible that there has been a worldwide conspiracy to hide the truth?

I don’t believe in big conspiracies being able to last that long and on such a large scale, thus I remain skeptical. I may have watched The X-Files, Stargate and Roswell and other shows talking about contemporary alien visitation. All may point towards a larger truth hidden beneath the fictional worlds they are describing. And yet, I remain unconvinced.

The only reasons I could see for such a conspiracy to work would be that participants in it are true believers in keeping things quiet, or are scared into submission by the government. I doubt these are sufficient reasons to keep quiet for this long, across changing administrations and in different countries. You would also assume that if the United States and its allies had retrieved extraterrestrial spaceships, the Soviet Union and its allies would have been able to do so as well – but the breakdown of Soviet Socialism across the world would certainly have led to such secrets having come out.

There is a third possibility. The truth may be out there and it may not be good. That would be a more convincing scenario. If extraterrestrials have visited us, and their intentions were to be malicious, such knowledge would create mass panic. We still cannot handle Covid, nor Climate Change, without science and reality denial, vicious attacks, unreasonable or violent behavior, etc. The multi-crisis world we are living in is already too scary for most of us to handle. How would this play out if we know that the aliens were to be out to get us as well, that they are here, and we are not prepared? But even if that was true, and people decided to keep quiet, someone would eventually talk.

Also, certainly, my imagination here might be limited.

For now, all we know is that we know nothing for sure, and what we are being told is embedded in several layers of plausible deniability.

Thus about Grusch’s revelations this June, I can only pretend that nothing important happened today.